Language Of Emotion And Language Of Logic

The language of emotion and the language of love sounds contradictory. Well, indeed, they’re different. However, the final consequence or purpose is the same, making a decision. It is what brings these two on the same page.

I bet you’ve heard this from anyone around you at least once in your life, `DON’T BE AN EMOTIONAL FOOL, BE LOGICAL!` You may depend on your emotions majorly to make decisions. That’s why people say this to you.


Or, you might be very logical, and people sometimes call you `EMOTIONLESS` and ask you to be less rude.

Well, both scenarios are ubiquitous in our society for individuals.

But should you choose one thoroughly (100%) between these two? You may be confused at this moment. That’s why I’m here.

Suppose you stick around to the end of this article. In that case, you’ll better understand the language of emotion and logic. Besides, you’ll be able to choose what you should do with it.

So, without further ado, let’s dig into the details.


What Is Language Of Emotion?

Language of emotion is the expression of your feelings. It may be either verbal expression or physical expression. When you make any decision depending on your feelings, the language of emotion naturally speaks out.

Here is a thing. Emotions don’t only refer to the good ones; they can be both good and bad. It combines happiness, sadness, fear, love, anger, excitement, etc. The hypothalamus is the primary part of the human brain that controls our emotions.


What Is Language Of Logic?

Language of logic is the expression of your logical thinking, likewise the language of emotions. You can express it both verbally and physically by doing any activity. If you make your significant decisions based on logic, it expresses itself effortlessly.

Logic mainly derives from the things you learned in the past. Mostly previously gained knowledge from any book or your personal experience. Inside the human brain, the frontal lobe is the primary part that controls our logical thinking.


What Is The Basic Difference Between Emotion And Logic?

The significant difference between emotion and logic is the outcome is different. Emotions make you feel sometimes happy, sometimes sad, and others.

Although emotion has a farm base in the human mind, decisions only based on emotions can sometimes lead you to the wrong path. But, on the other hand, logical conclusions may sometimes sound very rude.

So, there should be a middle way to it.

Suppose you’re on vacation to the hills. You go to a mountain peak, and your inner self tells you to jump off because of the excitement. At this moment, your emotion is driving you.


But you also know what will happen if you jump, right? You may get severely injured or die. At this moment, your logical mind is speaking up.

We are now coming to the big question.


Should You Be Emotional Or Logical?

Well, let the answer be on you.

Let me get you some examples for your clear understanding.

Suppose you are in a rush for your important meeting. But your driver hasn’t reached yet to pick you up. So he comes late, and you yell at him for being so.

After that, he takes you to the office, and you are set for the day. Did yelling at him make you reach any faster to your destination or fix anything?

No, instead, he got scared and found difficulty concentrating on driving. Was it vital to scold him at that time?

Now you may think he was late, making you late for your work. So you yelled at him, and it was precisely the right thing you did as per your logic.

It might be, but the timing was wrong. You behaved impulsively and didn’t listen to the driver’s side. He might be having a hard day or anything terrible at his home. Maybe that’s why he was late.

In this scenario, you’re logical, but you lose your compassion because of the intensity of logic. If you’ve been using your emotions, be patient and listen to the driver’s problem; he may see you from a different perspective from today.

Let’s see another scene here.

Suppose you’re in a relationship. However, gradually the relationship became toxic. Finally, you broke up and tried to move on. But you’re missing the person at the same time.

You return to the toxic person when you miss your partner because of your emotions. Eventually, he’ll misbehave and will continue to be harmful to you. So, you continue to suffer.

Now, is that a good thing to do? Well, here, you need to apply some logic. You’ve lost a relationship; you’ll miss the person for sure. This is why we are human.

But you need to think about yourself too. So besides carrying the emotions, think logically and choose the best for you.

These two examples made you better understand the language of emotion and logic. Depending on the situation, you must articulate your feelings using both languages.


What To Do To Balance Both Emotions And Logic

Actually, nobody can 50-50 their emotion and logic. There is always a dominant factor that works for individuals. What you can do is, think about your actions with an insightful perception.

The practice may take some time to implement in your life, but it is worth it for sure. This will help you to observe yourself better and develop your thought process.

Develop Better Language Of Logic-

  • Avoid saying anything impulsively
  • Take a pause and think about it
  • Understand the difference between what you want and what you need
  • Talk to yourself about specific outcomes that your decision can create
  • Practice self-control where it is needed

Develop Better Language Of Emotion-

  • Do not consider emotional behavior derogatory
  • Try to understand other people’s thoughts or opinion
  • Be compassionate and appreciative towards people around you
  • Show your affection clearly with your activities
  • Do not distance yourself from the most important people in your life.

Wrap UP

If you’re still reading, I hope now you understand the language of emotion and language of logic clearly.

As you’re enlightened now, always observe your thoughts and expressions. See, if you’re behaving impulsively where it is not necessary. Or are you too emotionally vulnerable in making important decisions?


Your parents, siblings, friends, life partner, co-workers, and other essential personnel are your most valuable people. So, think twice before doing anything with intense emotion or logic, and then decide.

Make sure you share your thoughts about this piece in the comment section below. And please tell us what you would like to hear from us in the following write-up. Cheers!

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