How can you celebrate World Mental Health Day 2022?

What is the World Mental Health Day?

World Mental Health Day is celebrated on the 10th of October. It is a day for mental health awareness, education, and policy advocacy. The World Health Organization (WHO) has set this year’s theme as prioritizing everyone’s mental health and well-being. This day is an excellent opportunity to increase awareness about mental health. It is, therefore, a perfect opportunity for you to join the advocacy for mental health and well-being too!

Why is it important to talk about Mental Health?

A global study from 2017 estimated that around 79.2 crore people worldwide have a mental health disorder, with 28.4 crore people having anxiety and 26.4 crore people having depression. Furthermore, according to the WHO, around 8 lakh people die by suicide each year. With these alarming numbers, it is easy to see why there is a global concern and movement toward mental health.

What is the Mental Health condition of people in Bangladesh?

According to the most recent National Mental Health Study of Bangladesh, conducted in 2019, 21.5% of all adults in Bangladesh screened positive for mental health disorders. This means that 1 in every 5 Bangladeshi adults needs mental health help. However, the survey also revealed that the treatment gap in Bangladesh is 92.3%, which means that 9 out of every 10 people who need mental health treatment do not receive it. In addition, a study conducted during the height of the Covid pandemic from 2020 to 2021 found that in Bangladesh, the number of deaths from suicide (14,436 lives) was far more than the number of deaths from Covid-19 (8,462 lives).

While mental health and well-being are receiving global attention, particularly in developed countries, Bangladesh still has much more work to improve awareness about mental health, access to mental healthcare, and policy decisions that prioritize mental health.


Who can contribute to the World Mental Health Day campaign?

Everybody! Mental health and well-being are significant to adults, children, teenagers, the elderly, parents, students, corporates, healthcare professionals, and even the government. Therefore, Bangladesh needs all stakeholders to come together and unite to make mental health and well-being a reality.

How can you celebrate World Mental Health Day?
  • Awareness through INFORMATION: World Mental Health Day is a great time to start talking about mental health at home, school, and the workplace to generate attention. Many informative videos and articles are available online on common mental health disorders at different stages of life, symptoms of mental health issues, and accessing help. 10th October is an excellent opportunity to organize screenings and discussions about mental health. Organizations like schools and offices can also invite health professionals to their premises to speak about mental health and well-being.


  • Acceptance through RECOGNITION: World Mental Health Day is also an excellent opportunity to show that you care about and recognise mental health needs. To show support and commitment, organizations like schools and workplaces can post infographics on mental health topics and tips on their online platforms and organisation premises. These infographics can then act as continuous reminders of mental health and well-being.

Infographics on the importance of sleep, exercise, and nutrition are excellent choices for homes, schools, and workplaces. Schools can also post informative posters on bullying, peer pressure, social media, addiction, suicide, and special children on classroom notice boards. Infographic media on stress management, motivation management, workplace harassment, work-life balance, addiction, and suicide can be helpful for organisations.

  • Assembly through GROUP ACTIVITY: You can organize group activities like sports matches, indoor games, and outdoor outings to bring everyone together on 10th October. Group activities are a double win because they can provide both the benefits of exercise and social bonding.

Exercise improves not only physical health but also mental health. It is now well accepted that exercise reduces anxiety, depression, and negative mood levels and increases self-esteem and brain function. Even 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, like walking fast, gardening or dancing, only 3 days a week is enough to receive the health benefits of exercising.



  • Activism through FUNDRAISING: Awareness about and access to mental healthcare requires policy and funding commitments. Bangladesh spends less than 1% of its healthcare budget on mental health, so this sector is still very much underfunded. You can contribute meaningfully by holding fundraising campaigns in your community and at your organisation to contribute toward the mental health movement. Do not be afraid to take up a fundraising initiative even if you cannot organize something on a large scale. Every single person�s awareness and contribution counts – little drops of water make the mighty ocean!
Some fundraiser event ideas are:

Event Idea << 1

`WorldSetting up a crowdfunding donation campaign at your workplace or school

Event Idea << 2

`WorldOffering a percentage of your company�s product or service sales revenue for mental healthcare

Event Idea << 3

`WorldSelling homemade food like cakes, fried food, pickles, etc.

Event Idea << 4

`WorldSelling goodies like pins, bookmarks, t-shirts, wristbands, etc.

Event Idea << 5

`WorldSelling reusable things in a garage sale like books, clothes, appliances, small furniture, etc.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, please feel free to reach out. To consult a mental health professional at LifeSpring, either in-person or online, call 9638 505 505 or 01763 438 148.

For your personal improvement and mental well-being, you can do LifeSpring�s educational courses online at We have courses on self-improvement, self-care, parenting, relationships and intimacy, pregnancy, spirituality and many other well-being topics.

You can use the following resources to get immediate help:
  • Kaan Pete Roi (Suicide Prevention Hotline): 01779554391/ 01779554392
  • Sajida Foundation (Mental Health & Psychosocial Helpline): 9678771511/ 01777771515
  • Dosh Unisher Mor (Sexual and Reproductive Health Helpline): 9612600600
  • Bangladesh Government (National Emergency Hotline): 999
  • Bangladesh Government (National Helpline for Violence against Women): 109

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